Tuesday, July 29, 2008

An update and my new project...

Wow, its been over a month since I last posted on my blog...

I have put in tons of volume in the micro/small stakes tourneys and have not had a decent cash in a long while. I'm in sort of a dry spell. I can make break even money but I consider that losing since I spent my time and energy to only make the minimum cash amount. Freerolling is better than losing I guess, but I play to make it to the FT and win. Hopefully I can pull one out of a hat soon because I am playing a larger variety of the ring game and have been running fairly well over the last month. I want to move up in level! LOL

I have mostly been mixing up my time on the .50/1.00 6H Limit, .10/.25 6H NLHE, and .10/.25 PLO. I also throw in a few sng matches here and there when I'm bored; but after reading some posts on the AP forums I may start taking sngs more seriously again.

I used to really focus on grinding $2 sngs to build me bankroll. I did ok and made a little money playing a TAG style. But after reading about ICM (Google it) and at the recommendation from some of the forumers, I took a small 10 sng sample size using ICM concepts and ran really hot this past weekend. Naturally, I played 5 sngs last night and only cashed in 1, but playing sngs and being profitable comes with the amount of volume you put in.

My goal is to get a quasi-decent sample size of $10+1 sngs and see what kind of ROI I can really generate. So including the 15 sngs I played in the past 2 days, my goal is to play 800 and calculate my ROI. According to the pros, 20% ROI is decent at the $10 sng level I play at, so if I hit the mark, after my 800 sngs I should have a profit of $1760. I like the sound of that.

So current ROI after 15 sngs = 52.72% Net profit = $87

I am going to commit to this project and try to play as often as possible. Hopefully I can stay focused and not get too distracted by mtts and cash games.

785 more sngs to play and $1673 to net to hit goal. I will post updates every couple days or so. Wish me luck!

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