Thursday, December 27, 2007

No More Ring Game!!!!

Ok, I mentioned this in a previous post...


I know there is only one way to get better. Keep playing and learn from the situations I find myself in. Don't get me wrong, my cash game has progressed greatly, but is no where near where it needs to be for me to be a profitable player. So as of today, I am drawing a line in the virtual sand. No more RING GAMES for me on Absolute Poker, or any other poker site for that matter. I am going to be strictly a sng and mtt player. I am better at these and think I should focus on honing these skills. Plus I enjoy mtts much more than the boring old cash game.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Back to the 9 to 5 grind

Going back to work today was tough. I feel very drained from the whole Christmas experience. I had a very enjoyable Christmas holiday but it was just very tiring and I am feeling the effects today at work.

I am also a little distracted because I can't help but think about my horrible online play yesterday. I took a hit to my bankroll as I couldn't get any momentum yesterday in any of the games I played online. I played multiple single table sngs, dabbled in the heads up ring game, and a couple tourneys. None of which resulted in adding to my bank roll, but only shrinking it.

Tonight I may play a little more HU ring game or maybe just some sngs. I'm really not sure at this point and I guess it will depend on my mood when I get home tonight. Either way, I hope I run much better today to make up for yesterday's losses.

On a good note, I am excited that this Friday I will be playing in the local $20k guaranteed tourney. They are actually running this tourney today, and tomorrow but unfortunatley I am not a professional gambler and have to resort to more conventional methods to generate income.

Oh well... back to the grind.

Monday, December 24, 2007

I hate when this happens...

I play a lot of micro stakes sit-n-gos (sngs) online. These are mostly $1, $2, and $6 1-table tourneys that are either 6-handed or 9-handed. I play both 6 and 9 handed but prefer the latter. Anyhow, the other night I found myself running extremely well in a $2 9-handed tourney. I literally had almost all the chips at the table and it was barely the 4th level of play. I ended up getting HU with a 10 to 1 chip lead and COULD NOT WIN A SINGLE RACE. I went from a huge advantage to taking 2nd place. I mean it was suck out city. I know this is the nature of the game we all love to play, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. LOL

Sunday, December 23, 2007

A night at the "V"

Saturday afternoon, my buddy the M4NT1S called me and asked if I was going to play any poker tonight. I had not planned on heading out to the casino, but when he told me tonight was the $40 freeze out donkament, I was compelled to go. My tournament game has been running well as of late so I wanted to see if I could make a final table as well as dabble in some 1/2 NL action.

So me and the wife and the mother-in-law head out to Viejas, one of the local casinos out here in San Diego. We got there early and I decided to play some 1/2 NL while I waited for my tourney to start. Bad idea.

My cash game play is VERY weak, and I know the only way to get better is to keep playing. So I bought in for the max, which is only $60 at the 1/2 tables. After taking down a few no brainer pots I look at the time and its about 6:10. My tourney starts at 6:15. I figure I will wait until the blinds get to me which is only a couple hands away.

I folded until I was UTG with JcJh and raised it to $5. We were 4 ways to the flop: 6h 4d 8h. I bet out $20 and only the OTB called me after tanking a bit. Turn: 2d. I was trying to figure out what he called the flop with and just guessed that he was either on a flush draw or maybe a straight draw. So I moved all in for my remaining $50ish and he tanked again for a bit, muttering possible hands I could have and finally made the call. River: Kc. He looked at me and I said Jacks. He flipped over 6c8c for the winning 2 pair. Doh!

So after getting felted, I got up and took my seat in the tourney; which literally began the second I sat down. I played my usual tight aggressive style and picked up a few pots here and there. A few levels into the tourney, I realized I was not accumulating chips fast enough to keep up with the blinds so I decided that if I picked up a decent starting hand like AK or AQ, I would ship it all in and see what would happen.

I was in the BB and was looking at a MP limper, OTB limper, and the SB completed. I looked down and saw AQo. I then announced all in and slid my seat card and all my chips forward. The MP immediately called and OTB insta-called as well. The SB folded but I felt I was WAY behind since they called so quickly. The MP tabled a slow played KK, and OTB had QJ. Well, I couldn't of asked for better in this case i guess. At least no one had a bigger Ace than me, or any Aces for that matter. The dealer then dealt the flop: A x x. Turn: x River: x. Woo-Hoo!! Triple up baby.

I pretty much went card dead after that and had to fold some marginal hands due to the action pre-flop. I folded 99 UTG at one point because I didn't want to raise and have to fold to someone moving all in on me. After I folded the 99, there was a 3 way all in and guess what... my 99 would have made me the winning straight. I also folded JJ from the BB with 2 all ins before me. If I had called, I also would have made the winning straight. I knew my patience would pay off sooner or later.

Another notable hand was when I limped in from MP with TT and the BB raised it about 3BBs (I don't remember what the blinds were at this point). I reluctantly called with my marignal pair and the Flop came: 8 3 A. He checked and I instantly announced all-in. He looked disgusted and started to stir in his seat. My heart was beating nervously but I knew he didn't have an Ace when he checked the flop and didn't insta-call my shove. He folded QQ face up mumbling something about how I out flopped him. I breathed a sigh of relief, mucking my hand face down. Whew!

When we were down to 3 tables, a hyper-aggro player sat down and looked absolutely ridiculous (he did have a monster stack though). He was wearing a powder blue Chargers beanie, yellow ski goggles, and these huge black work out gloves that covered his entire hand up to his wrists but his finger tips were exposed. It was classic. He busted a few players but also spewed a lot of chips making crazy plays and trying to push players off their hands.

I told myself to be patient and patience paid off when I found myself with two red Aces in MP with the Hyper-Aggro Clown in the BB. I think the blinds were 1500/3000 and I raised to 16k. It folded around to the HAC and he moved all in on me; he had me covered by about 20k. It then folded back to me and I called of course. He tabled As8s and looked disgusted with his shove when he discovered he was WAY behind. I doubled on that hand and later busted him when I woke up with JJ in MP with blinds at 2500/5000. I raised to 25k and it folded to the HAC in the BB and he shoved on me with JTo. He basically got up and walked away before the dealer even dealt the flop knowing there was an extremely slim chance of him winning. He did flop a Ten but that was about it.

I then went card dead once again and slowly bled my decently sized chip stack away as I could not make any calls to short stack all-ins from the the BB. It got to the point where we were on the bubble and I found myself all in by default when I became the BB. It folded around to the SB who completed of course. I flipped over my measely 23o vs his 68o. But it IS Christmas time. The time of miracles. The flop: T 5 5. Turn: A. River: A. Woo-Hoo! A chopped pot, I was still alive. And the very next hand I woke up with AKo which held against the BB and another all-in and tripled me up. That popped the bubble and my super short stack was enough to get me an even chop for $359.

Friday, December 21, 2007


It seems like a lot of poker players now adays have their own blog. I myself still feel relatively new to the game even though June of 2008 will be 2 years of playing poker live and online. I promise not to just rant about my bad beats or donkeys sucking out on me. I have just recently, maybe in the past 3 months or so, have noticed my tournament game developing a bit more. I am now cashing on a more consistent basis and even final tabling more frequently.

I orginally deposited the minimum of $50 on Absolute Poker about a year and a half ago and have finally been able to keep it on an up swing. I am hoping to continue plugging the leaks in my game and start generating a decent return on investment on my initial deposit.

Absolute Poker is the only poker site I actually have real money on. I did have a few bucks on Pokerstars and Bodog from freerolls I placed in but busto'd those accounts playing micro NL Holdem. I am hoping I can get my bankroll large enough on Absolute Poker to withdraw and make deposits on other poker sites.

Anyhow... just wanted to introduce myself and I hope you enjoy my blog.

The Miz