Friday, December 21, 2007


It seems like a lot of poker players now adays have their own blog. I myself still feel relatively new to the game even though June of 2008 will be 2 years of playing poker live and online. I promise not to just rant about my bad beats or donkeys sucking out on me. I have just recently, maybe in the past 3 months or so, have noticed my tournament game developing a bit more. I am now cashing on a more consistent basis and even final tabling more frequently.

I orginally deposited the minimum of $50 on Absolute Poker about a year and a half ago and have finally been able to keep it on an up swing. I am hoping to continue plugging the leaks in my game and start generating a decent return on investment on my initial deposit.

Absolute Poker is the only poker site I actually have real money on. I did have a few bucks on Pokerstars and Bodog from freerolls I placed in but busto'd those accounts playing micro NL Holdem. I am hoping I can get my bankroll large enough on Absolute Poker to withdraw and make deposits on other poker sites.

Anyhow... just wanted to introduce myself and I hope you enjoy my blog.

The Miz

1 comment:

Troy Ohlsson said...

Welcome to the poker interwebs