Thursday, February 21, 2008

Playing and Running like Crap

All the tourneys I have played as of late have been horrible. I need to buckle down and focus. I am going to concentrate tonight and play all the... oh wait. Tonight is Survivor. Ok... well that means I will be able to only take a shot at the $1500 guaranteed tourneys on AP and UB that start later in the evening. I may even take a shot at the $1k rebuys on both sites as well.

I did run pretty well in some SNGs last night. I was ON +ILT due to running bad in some Limit Holdem ring game on UB, so I played 6 full table $2 SNGs on AP. I forgot how much fun 6 tabling was. Anyhow, the results were: 2 bust outs, 2 seconds, 1 third, and 1 first.

Wish me luck in the micro donkaments tonight!

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