Wednesday, February 6, 2008

2 Final Tables = Boost to the Bankroll

I have been playing a lot of nightly tournaments and running very well as of late. A few nights ago, I ended up taking 2nd in the $1500 guaranteed tourney; my best finish to date. The next night, I played a small $5 buy-in tourney that had about 120 or so players; I took 3rd. I have also been taking shots at the $1 ($1k guarantee) and $3 ($8k guarantee) rebuy tourneys. These have very good value if you can run well and not commit a large amount of money; I cashed in the $1 a few times.

Since I basically more than doubled my bankroll, I have decided to make a transfer to AP's sister site, Ultimate Bet (UB). So we'll see how I start running on UB. Going to play maybe 4-6 tourneys tonight, hopefully I will have some positive results to post.

Wish me Luck!

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