Friday, January 25, 2008


It's been awhile since I committed an evening session to just playing single table sit n' go tournaments (sngs). Instead of playing my usual nightly tourneys, I opted to play 3 sngs last night; of the $2+.40 variety. Although these were played simultaneously, I will just recap them one by one.

SNG #1: VERY first hand, I get dealt AA in SB. It limps to MP who raises to $100 (level 1 blinds are 10/20). It folds to me and I made it like $450 to go. It folded back to the orginal raiser who just flat called. The flop came something like Q 2 6, rainbow. He led out for 1/2 his remaining stack and I moved all in. He called with pocket TT??? I guess he put me on AK or something like that. So I doubled the very first hand. From there, I played my usual tight aggressive game (TAG). When we were 5 handed, I had about a $4500 stack (starting is $1500) and continuously put pressure on the short stacks. When they were in the blinds, I kept raising or moving all in with marginals hands. Eventually when we got to HU, we were even stacked and played a somewhat marathon HU battle. I ended up taking 1st when I raised pre with Jh6h. The flop came 2 hearts and the turn brought a gut shot straight draw. My opponent led the turn and I flatted to see another heart come on the river, the Ace of hearts. He checked to me and I stalled before moving all in. He insta-called me and my flush was good enough to take it down.

SNG #2: I got really unlucky in this table. I picked up KK in MP at about the 3rd or 4th hand of the tourney. I had taken down the first two pots, so I was up about $400 or so. I ended up getting it all in pre with my Kings and some donkey calls me with ATo. Of course he rivers the Ace and I get crippled to a micro-stack. I was actually able to double up with AQ vs AJ, but still found myself really short when the blinds were up to 50/100. I ended up pushing with pocket TT and lost the race to AJ when a Jack hit the turn.

SNG #3: I was ridiculously card dead in this tourney, except for the very first hand, I was dealt QQ in the BB. About half the table limped and I raised it to $150 to go and got 2 callers. The flop came Ace high so I just folded to any bet. Someone scooped the pot with AT I think. Anyhow, this was a particularly boring and uneventful sng. I was surprised to make it to 3 handed(which is in the money) and even more surprised to make it to HU without really playing that many hands, if any. It was ridiculous though. HU, I only had about $880 in chips. My opponent had the rest; which is about $12k. I fought back, moving all in every hand. I got lucky a few times and got my stack back to about $3k. I think I ended up shoving with a medium pocket pair and he called with a decent hand like AJ. He flopped the Ace of course and I took 2nd place. Not bad since I didn't get many playable hands the entire tourney.

Next time I will post some hands and screen caps. Until then...

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