Friday, January 11, 2008


I played three tourneys yesterday. I played the daily $2 which is usually a prize pool of about $700, the $5 $1500 guaranteed, and the $1 re-buy $1000 guaranteed. I didn't do too well in the $2 tourney. I didn't get many decent starting hands and everytime I tried to make a play, someone else came over the top of me. I just couldn't get any momentum going and it didn't help to be card dead. I basically busted out before the first break, which is the first hour of play.

The $5 tourney went a little bit better but really not that much more. I did make the money, but cashed out for the minimum. I think I was playing too tight in this tourney as I couldn't maximize the value on my monster hands and lost a lot of chips on my marginal hands. Sometimes I figure making the money is better than busting out for $0, but I have been playing well lately and need to start really focusing on making it deep to the last 2 tables at the minimum. I need to change my mentality that I am always going deep and that making the final table is ALWAYS a possibility. Just getting into the money is no longer the enough.

Anyhow... I usually don't play these tourneys on a work night, but I did play the $1 rebuy tourney. Typically I commit about $4 to $6 on this tourney buy I really wasn't that motivated to play to I decided to commit only $1. I decided no rebuys or addons. I played very well and won some key races which allowed me to chip up to about 15k in chips which was about the average. One of the main reasons i don't play rebuy tourneys during the week is that they take SO LONG! There are so many chips in play that it takes forever to eliminate players. I literally played about 3.5 hours and didn't even make it into the money. This tourney paid the top 36 and I busted out somewhere in the 60s. So lame, and such a waste of time. Never again will I play one of these during the week.

I hope this will be a good weekend for me. I am still looking to take down my first multi-table tourney. I am still waiting to make that one post every poker player hopes to make... hopefully soon; sooner than later. LOL

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