Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Took 6th after another blunder...

(slowly fade in background music: The Final Countdown)

First things first. As the title of my blog states, I am a micro stakes player. So yes, this tourney in particular was a whopping $2 buyin. Here is a screen shot of the payouts, # of players, etc. This was a combination of playing well and running well. I was crippled very early in the tourney when I couldn't let go of top pair and my opponent slow played a turned nut flush. I basically had to fight my way back and ended up being in the top 20 chip leaders for the remainder of the tourney about 2-1/2 hours in. Granted I was blessed with AA, KK, and QQ on more than one occassion, I played my blinds well and showed excellent pre-flop aggression to take down built up pre-flop pots. All in all, I am very happy to have made another final table but I am NOT happy with my play once I got there. I was currently 3rd in chips with 6 left and made this horrible blunder:

Stage #1047642744 Tourney ID 1944412 Holdem Multi Normal Tournament No Limit $4000 - 2008-01-09 02:13:24 (ET)
Seat #2 is the dealer
Seat 2 - MAERICKS21 ($87840 in chips)
Seat 4 - XALHX ($20292.50 in chips)
Seat 6 - MIZZARK619 ($58005 in chips)
Seat 7 - JUICYDUECY ($101132.50 in chips)
Seat 8 - MUD SHARK ($33720 in chips)
Seat 9 - SPOAD ($222510 in chips)
MAERICKS21 - Ante $200
XALHX - Ante $200
MIZZARK619 - Ante $200
JUICYDUECY - Ante $200
MUD SHARK - Ante $200
SPOAD - Ante $200
XALHX - Posts small blind $2000
MIZZARK619 - Posts big blind $4000
Dealt to MIZZARK619 [Kh 10c]
MUD SHARK - Calls $4000
SPOAD - Folds
MAERICKS21 - Folds
XALHX - Folds
MIZZARK619 - Checks
*** FLOP *** [10d 4c 6c]
MIZZARK619 - Checks
MUD SHARK - Checks
*** TURN *** [10d 4c 6c] [5d]
MIZZARK619 - Bets $8000
MUD SHARK - All-In(Raise)
$29520 to $29520
MIZZARK619 - Calls $21520
*** RIVER *** [10d 4c 6c 5d] [Qs]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MIZZARK619 - Shows [Kh 10c] (One pair, tens)
MUD SHARK - Shows [5c 5h] (Three of a kind, fives)
MUD SHARK Collects $70240 from main pot

This particular hand really upset me because I KNEW he had a SET when he raised all in. What other hand could he be holding after he limped in from UTG and shoves when the 5 hits the board? I should have folded. My instincts told me to fold. But I convinced myself of something that was not there. I told myself he "could" be on the flush draw. Sometimes I just can't fold...

A few hands after this, I put myself at risk with a measly KQo from the button. I figured I had enough fold equity to convince both players in the blinds to just fold. I guessed wrong. I got called by As2s and found myself way behind. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

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