Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2009

Well, I put in a ton of volume for mtts in January and did pretty well. However, what should of been a +$400 or so month ended up being more like only +$150 due to me booking some losing sessions at the cash tables. My goal for February will be to stay away from the cash for now and concentrate on my tournament game.

The WSOP circuit event is coming to Harrah's Rincon in March and I plan on playing maybe 2-3 events. If I do well and win some decent coin, I will definitely give some of the bigger buy-in tourneys a shot hoping to make enough to buy into the 5k main event. I am estimating buy-ins to be about $800, and right now I have about $220. So I have some work to do. I have no doubt I will reach that goal as long as I stick to mtts and not let the variance at the cash tables knock me back.

I am also happy to report that I now have a micro bankroll on PokerStars. My buddy, M4NT1S, sent me $1 and I have been grinding the 10 cent 360-man tourneys. As Phil Hellmuth would say: If it weren't for luck, I'd win 'em all! LOL These tourneys are very soft. Maybe once in awhile I will run into a decent player but its not that often as the play usually mimics that of a freeroll. I have played a ton of these and have cashed in many. Once again, my bankroll should be up to about $30 right now, but its really more like $14 due to variance at the cash tables. Yes, I tried grinding the .01/.02 NL tables and lost a lot of my bankroll due to suckouts and just generally horrid play. So my rule on Absolute Poker will also stand on PokerStars. No cash tables! (for now at least) I promised the M4NT1S that the first "real" tourney I ship that I would give him 40%. I don't want to let him down, so my primary goal is to build the bankroll so I can start playing the $1 and $2 micro tourneys. These are actually pretty large on PokerStars and 1st place usually wins about $400. Now that would be a bank roll booster for sure!

Until next time... GL at the tables!

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