Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Wow, 2009 is in full swing and I am already not following through on one of my resolutions which was to post more often. Let me start off with my goals for 2009:


1) Spend more quality time with my family. Poker is a big part of my life, but my family is BIGGER! I am going to plan more family trips and activities instead of planning out my tournament schedule. My wife used to hate me playing poker all the time but we came to a compromise and I don't want to take advantage of it. She has been really supportive and understanding. So I need to do my part in be more involved as a husband and father; even though I am a degen, lol.

2) Just like everyone else, we all would like to lose some weight or maybe tone up a bit. Well, ever since I got married 8.5 years ago, my weight has slowly climbed higher along with my age. I don't have problems losing weight once I start working out. My problem though is keeping it off! So am going to sign up at the local gym and stick to it all year (I hope).

3) Focus more at work. I think I kick ass at my 7 - 3:30 job, but I am not pushing myself like I used to. I am sort of just coasting. So I am going to make it a point to work harder and really give it 110% until I either win the lottery or become a poker pro.

4) This one's kind of cheesy, but I also need to pay more attention to my pets. I have two little pomeranians who need more attention from me and the family. I was thinking about it the other day... we have had them since they were puppies. They are 8 years old in human years. Pomeranians live to about 12! Wow! It's a crazy feeling knowing the dogs I love may be gone in the next 3-4 years. I think I owe it to them to pay more attention to them.

...and now for poker goals:

1) Focus on learning more about the game! My tournament game has gotten a lot stronger but it needs to continue growing. Same goes for my cash game play. In order to improve on these aspects of poker, I have subscribed to a poker training site: PokerXFactor (PXF). Hopefully I will be able to post some big scores in the future that I can attribute to subscribing to PXF.

2) Volume, volume, volume! There is only one way to get better. That is to continue to play, play, play and play! I am going to make a schedule so that my family knows my "poker days" which will be days I focus primarily on tournaments. I have already gotten the ok to make Sundays my "Live" play day which has worked out nicely.

3) Make money! Don't forget, I am a micro stakes player...errr... well maybe I am a small stakes player now. But either way, I have a limited bankroll. My overall goal is to have a 50% ROI(online) by December 31st of this year. That's alot, but you know what, you have to set big goals to accomplish big goals. This will include sit n gos, tournaments, and cash games. I don't have a "Live" bankroll so I can't set this type of goal yet. Hmmm... maybe I should set a goal to create a "Live" bankroll?

Well... that's all I've got for now.

Good Luck at the Tables!

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