Thursday, February 5, 2009

P90X Training - Day 4

One of my new year's resolutions was to exercise more and keep the pounds off. Well, many of you may have seen the P90X infomercial on late at night and written it off as another work out/lose weight gimmick. Well, I am a believer that EVERY diet plan and work out regimen marketed to the public WORKS. Yes, if you went out and bought Buns of Steel and followed the program to the tee and ate properly, you would have buns of steel. I have tried many different work out programs (I don't like to diet) and have always lost 15 - 25 lbs. depending on how motivated I was. My problem is, these programs are about short term results and I always gained the weight back. I feel P90X not only works you out but provides you with many different alternatives to just lifting weights or running that make exercising fun and challenging. P90X is a 78 day program and I am currently on day 4 today. Let me tell you, my body is in some major pain, but it just reminds me how hard I am working. Makes me feel great! I weighed myself on Monday and I weighed 232 lbs. Did I mention I am only 5'9"? Ya, I am definitely not in shape and actually on my way to obesity I think, which is another good reason to start this program. So along with poker content, I will also post updates on my weight loss progress. Hmmmm... maybe I should include before and after pics? Nah... too embarassing, plus I don't want to disgust anyone and discourage them from reading my blog. I'll just post stats and stuff. I guess that means I should re-measure and weigh myself regularly.

Until next time... GL at the tables and be healthy!

1 comment:

Jaron02 said...


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