Saturday, August 29, 2009

Old Screen Cap

I have a folder on my desktop named 'Poker Screen Caps'. I was going through it because its been a while and I really don't take that many caps. Now that I want to start blogging more, I wanted to go through and organize my inventory as I will try to take more screen shots and save HHs for my upcoming blogs. I came across an old screen cap very near and dear to my heart. I just realized I have never posted it before.

If anyone has ever wondered what this looks like... here you go.

Welcome to Coolerville

I played a late session last night while watching 30 Days of Night (great movie by the way). One of the tourneys I got into was a small 122 runner $10 Bounty on AP. I played great and caught some good cards in the early and middle stages of the tourney. When we hit the Final Table, I had about 28BBs. I went card dead and when the blinds went up to 500/1000 I found myself severely short stacked. I picked up AA OTB and got the money in preflop 3 ways. Well, from the title of this post, I am sure you can tell I didn't win the hand and triple up like I was supposed to. Here is a screen cap from the HH:

Can you say drawing dead? What's really gross is that this isn't the first time a player with KK has flopped quads against my AA. Oh well.

Until next time, good luck at the tables.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Uneventful Night

I logged on last night and played 2 SNGs on Stars, 2 donkaments on AP, and a donkament on Stars. The SNGs were pretty uneventful and I took 3rd in both.

The Stars mtt was a $2 micro and I didn't take it that seriously. Late into the 1st hour, I was short stacked with like 800 chips in the BB and was dealt QTo. I think UTG min raised to 200 and like half the table called, so I wished everyone good luck and shoved my micro stack in and got called by 5 players, LOL. I ended up winning the main pot by flopping a Q and went into the 2nd hour with a 4k stack or basically 40BBs. I semi-bluffed a few pots, but after that as I was totally card dead wasn't able to make it to the money when I shoved 15BBs with AQs and got called by KJo and he spikes a J. Standard.

I played the AP $5 Sniper and a random $5 6H no guarantee tourney. The Sniper started off well for me. I quadrupled my starting stack of 1500 chips by the end of the first hour. But then I hit some coolers in the 2nd hour and got blinded out when I took a trip to the card graveyard. Standard.

The $5 6H tourney was classic though. I played well and made some big hands to remain in the top 10 for the first to 2 hours of play. Late into the 3rd hour, I negative slow play myself out to the rail. My table was 5 handed at the time and it was a family pot with me in the SB with QTo. The Flop: Ad Kh 5h. I checked, as did every except OTB. He bet pot and I flatted as did the BB. The Turn: Jd So I hit broadway and decide to check. BB goes into the tank a bit and bets 1/2 the pot. OTB instantly calls and I 'just' call also. The River: Xd The river card completed a runner backdoor flush but I didn't put any of my opponents on a backdoor draw. Maybe 2 pair or a busted heart draw. So I lead at the pot for about 3/4 value. BB shoves over the top of me and the OTB re-raises all in. Now I wish I had just checked but my stack size and the size of the pot demanded I call. This could easily be a 2 pair vs. a set vs. my broadway. So I call. Well, both players hit the backdoor flush but the OTB player had the best of it with the KdQd. I knew I should have re-raised on the turn. Negative slow play kicks me in the but yet again. Standard.

Until next time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Marc Davis aka PeopleMover aka OMGshipit

I am a huge fan of Marc Davis and have been following his blog for over a year now. He is a Heads Up No Limit Pro out of Florida. Anyhow, he made it onto a feature table during the 2009 WSOP Main Event and locks horns with non-other than Mr. Phil Hellmuth himself. Here are links to the youtube clips of PeopleMover's tv debut on ESPN:

Forward to 3:00 for this link:

And here is a link where Hellmuth pays to see PeopleMover's hand:

Time to start posting again...

I have been grinding on Pokerstars trying to get a bankroll going. My last post is of a screen pic of me FTing a micro tourney. Well the story behind that is: my buddy transferred me $1 and I started playing those 10 cent 360-man sngs. Well, I won the second sng I played and that was for like $8. I then took a shot at a $2.20 mtt and was able to FT that. Since then I have been grinding the $1.20 sngs and taking a few shots here and there at micro mtts. I was able to grind my $80 micro bankroll into about $140 and then I decided to take a shot at a $5.50 mtt. I was able to cash out in 16th place and I have now officially broken the $200 bankroll mark.

I will start posting more screen caps of my tourney finishes and just drop some win/loss stats just so I can say that i actually blog.

Hopefully I can find some other interesting things to post about as well.

Until then... good luck at the tables.