Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Time to start posting again...

I have been grinding on Pokerstars trying to get a bankroll going. My last post is of a screen pic of me FTing a micro tourney. Well the story behind that is: my buddy transferred me $1 and I started playing those 10 cent 360-man sngs. Well, I won the second sng I played and that was for like $8. I then took a shot at a $2.20 mtt and was able to FT that. Since then I have been grinding the $1.20 sngs and taking a few shots here and there at micro mtts. I was able to grind my $80 micro bankroll into about $140 and then I decided to take a shot at a $5.50 mtt. I was able to cash out in 16th place and I have now officially broken the $200 bankroll mark.

I will start posting more screen caps of my tourney finishes and just drop some win/loss stats just so I can say that i actually blog.

Hopefully I can find some other interesting things to post about as well.

Until then... good luck at the tables.

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