Saturday, August 29, 2009

Welcome to Coolerville

I played a late session last night while watching 30 Days of Night (great movie by the way). One of the tourneys I got into was a small 122 runner $10 Bounty on AP. I played great and caught some good cards in the early and middle stages of the tourney. When we hit the Final Table, I had about 28BBs. I went card dead and when the blinds went up to 500/1000 I found myself severely short stacked. I picked up AA OTB and got the money in preflop 3 ways. Well, from the title of this post, I am sure you can tell I didn't win the hand and triple up like I was supposed to. Here is a screen cap from the HH:

Can you say drawing dead? What's really gross is that this isn't the first time a player with KK has flopped quads against my AA. Oh well.

Until next time, good luck at the tables.

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