Monday, January 11, 2010

Second week in January?

Wow, 2010 is moving along quickly.  It's already the second week in January and I have not put in the tournament volume I had been planning on.  Yesterday (Sunday the 10th) should have been a mtt grind day, but the wife and I took my daughter to Disneyland.  We go there about 4-5 times a year since it is so close to San Diego so its always funner when we can keep it a secret and surprise her by telling her we are going somewhere else.  I must say, it had to be one of the most enjoyable Disneyland trips we have ever taken.  The weather was perfect and we rode every ride with minimal wait since it was not very busy.

That means I will have to make up volume this week and the upcoming weekend.  Last week during the week was also pretty slow.  I didn't play much.  The most significant poker related event was me late registering for a $3.30 mtt on Stars and busting out in 38th when when I shoved Ah5h with 17BBs and couldn't suckout on AdJd.  I was actually way ahead on a 5 X X flop with 2 hearts, but he managed to fade the flush and spike a 3 outter on the river to retake the hand.

I will most likey have to put in the volume in the wee hours of the morning during this week since my Chargers are playing the Jets in the playoffs on Sunday.  I guess if I did some early 7:00am or 8:00am mtts, I could finish in time to catch most of the game.  We'll have to see how it goes.

Go Chargers!!!!

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