Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tom Dwan vs Sammy George

I am not sure how long these vids have been posted, but watching Tom play Sammy HU was very very entertaining.  It's like we expect Tom to outplay Sammy regardless of his two cards, so I was almost rooting for Sammy to make the hero call or put in a huge river bluff to take down a pot with air.  They even incorporated the seven duece bounty into the game which made things even more interesting.  It was the $10K bounty for winning with seven duece that led to one of the most incredible hands I have ever seen on tv.

With blinds at 500/1000 (I think), Tom opened from the button to $6K with 72o.  Sammy called with A6o.  Before the flop is dealt, Tom tells Sammy "I have seven deuce".  And Sammy tells him "There's no way you have seven duece".  The flop comes 9 A 6 all hearts.  Tom cbets for $10K and Sammy raises to $17K.  Tom tanks a bit and calls.  The turn: 3d.  Tom tanks again and finally puts out a $48K bet.  Sammy instantly calls.  The river: 3 (either c or s)  So... with a flush on board and now a possible full house, Tom over bets the pot and moves all in for about $470K; the pot was only $142K.  Sammy goes into the tank, agonizing over this sized bet.  He finally lays down his hand Tom has to show his seven duece to collect the additional $10K bounty.

This hand is about reading your opponent and knowing their tendencies which is why playing poker is clearly a game of skill.

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