Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Spinning My Wheels

It's been very slow for me in terms of any tournament results in the past couple weeks. I really haven't put in any volume so I can't really expect much I guess. This week I decided to change it up and focus on SNGs and try to play a decent amount of games and see where I stand on the Mars Level Leaderboard ($3 buyins). PokerStars starts their weekly tracking on Sundays so my current stats are:

Games Played - 18
ITM - 9 (1st:5 2nd:3 3rd:1 )
ROI - 64%

I'm not a pro, so you are definitely not going to see me putting up 300-400 sngs in a week like most of the grinders. My goal though is to hit about 40 - 50 by Saturday, maintaining a 35%+ ROI. I also want to see if I can squeeze onto the leaderboard for a little extra bankroll boost. Being in the top 100 would be a nice little screen cap to add to my collection. Until next time...

GL me and See you at the tables!

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