Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This is so classic...

Cops Caught Playing Wii During Drug Bust

POLK COUNTY, Fla. (WPIX) - What started out as a full-blown drug raid in a Florida home, turned into an intense bowling tournament that has now left officials utterly embarrassed.

Undercover drug detectives with the Polk County Sheriff's Office had their guns drawn and flashlights beaming when they stormed into the home of a convicted drug dealer this past March.

With a search warrant in hand, investigators rummaged through the home, looking for drugs and stolen property in connection with an ongoing investigation. As the officers were hard at work, others got a Wii bit distracted, literally.

According to News Channel 8 in Tampa, within 20 minutes of entering the home some investigators found a Wii bowling video game and got down to business - throwing strikes and picking up spares between gathering evidence which included shotguns and flat screen TVs.

A wireless security camera, connected to a computer inside the home, recorded all of the officers' activity, including their impromptu bowling tournament. One officer is seen celebrating, jumping up and down, after throwing a strike.

After watching the video, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said the incident is an embarrassment and wants an investigation done on the matter.

"That is not appropriate conduct at a search warrant," he told a local news station. "But I am less pleased with the supervision that didn't walk in and say, turn that off. That's what supervision should have done."

I had included a link to the video but it didn't work. Have fun googling it.


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